The Synagogue on Your Street

I once invited 130 neighbors over for coffee. Yikes! You can bet I whispered prayers as I pushed the mop and dusted the furniture getting ready for my Neighborhood Cafe Open House.

That’s a lot of people, but in my experience very few of my neighbors will actually come–especially since I was only able to stuff the invitations in mailboxes instead of delivering them in person. My friend and neighbor, Lauren, designed a fabulous neighborhood newsletter that we delivered along with the Open House invitations.

Fresh on that experience walking around our neighborhood, this line jumped out in my Bible…

“I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home.”

I looked up the word “invited” from Matthew 25:35 using one of my favorite websites (there’s also an app), In the original Greek language, the word is synagō, and it’s the root of the word synagogue. It means–

1) to gather together, to gather
  a) to draw together, collect
      1) of fishes
      2) of a net in which they are caught
2) to bring together, assemble, collect
   a) to join together, join in one (those previously separated)
   b) to gather together by convoking
   c) to be gathered i.e. come together, gather, meet
3) to lead with one’s self
   a) into one’s home, i.e. to receive hospitably, to entertain

For years, I wanted to obey Christ’s #2 Command to love my neighbors, but it just wasn’t happening. My neighborhood didn’t have sidewalks where people stop to chat, we didn’t have a corner cafe, we didn’t have a park where kids play (as if my teenager would be at the park anyway). We pretty much keep to ourselves; most of my neighbors were strangers to me.

I wanted the women in my neighborhood to miraculously parade into my home like the animals came to Noah’s ark, but no–it seemed as if I was going to have to initiate something on my own. Double yikes!

So I simply invited them. I drew them together, like fishing for [wo]men. Those who had been previously separated by busy schedules gathered together to meet in the “synagōgē” in my home. I led myself to their front door, raised a trembling hand, and knocked.

Guess what happened? They came!

They brought their own mugs and they came to an Open House, a simple time to meet, greet and treat my neighbors. Some women came back for a Bible Study, others just made my acquaintance. Many became friends.

I hosted dozens of Open Houses! It’s just that easy, and it’s just that hard. Please contact me if you’d like to start a Neighborhood Cafe in your neighborhood. You can do this, I will help you.


  1. Elaine

    I would love to use this as a help to get women form my community together. I am a single mom with teenagers…I feel God is leading me to open up my home to lead others to Him.

  2. Amy Lively

    Elaine, thank you for your comment. I join you in praying that God will show you opportunities to use your home to bless Him and your neighbors!

  3. Janey

    We have such a sweet block but unfortunately we only get together when there is a robbery or someone dies. I’d like to change that! I would love to fellowship with believers and non. Could you guide me with prayers and materials? A recent burglary brought us all out of our houses to talk in the street!

    • Amy Lively

      Janey, I’m sorry about the recent crime in your neighbors. The Lord can use this evil for good by uniting your neighbors and creating friendships among former strangers. You’ll find tips, tools and teaching to help in my book, How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird. There are free downloadable tools at the Neighborhood Cafe. I am praying for you! Please contact me and let me know how you are doing!

      • Janey

        Thank you Amy. I have your book! I work at Watermark Christian Store. I have already started by sending emails to all those neighbor’s on the block to start a list with all our phone numbers and email addresses. So far all but one have answered! I am looking forward to seeing how God moves! Thank you!

        • Amy Lively

          That’s a wonderful way to make connections and improve safety at the same time. You can also start a private Facebook group or use Nextdoor to connect your neighbors. In your directory, you might want to include mobile numbers and ask for permission to text one another. If there is a crime or suspicious activity, you can use any of these three methods to immediately alert and inform your neighbors.

          I checked out your bookstore and church! I love-love-love Christian bookstores, they are such a place of ministry.

          I’ll be in your area this winter, would love to connect with you!

          • Janey

            Oh that’s wonderful! Let me know your schedule! I know our manager would love to meet you too! We are located in Calvary Chapel, Melbourne Fl. Where are you located?
            I thought about the Facebook group for the neighbor’s. I have led bible studies that
            Way. We will take this slow. I don’t want to come across too weird! I really am enjoying your book! God is doing something here!
            Blessings and thank you for writing and opening up your heart for others!

          • Amy Lively

            Slow and steady is good, very good! That’s how the apostle Paul did it 🙂 We have a small place near Crystal River, FL where we’ll be staying February – April, it’s about 2.5 hours from you. I would love to come see you! If you don’t mind emailing your contact info to me at, I will get in touch when we arrive to set something up.

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