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Royal Caribbean Navigator of the Seas

7 days of fellowship and spiritual renewal in the Caribbean



Warm up in the Caribbean on the Royal Caribbean Navigator of the Seas and enjoy a wonderful time of fellowship and spiritual renewal with Christian women from around the country. Listen to and interact with Dee Brestin and Amy Lively, internationally known speakers and authors. You will be encouraged, challenged, and ministered to through their Gospel centered messages. You will experience the power of God in the abundant life that Jesus came to give – no matter what your circumstances might be. Worship through the music of Damaris Carbaugh. Her beautiful voice, musical talent, and love for God’s Word will inspire you and stir your heart toward Jesus. Grow through fellowship with old and new friends as you attend large group meetings and workshops, share meals together, visit warm beaches, tour, shop, or relax on the deck with a great ocean view. You will have special moments to share with the women joining you on this adventure.

Cruise Itinerary

Daily Itinerary

Cruise Pricing

Cruise Pricing

The Navigator of the Seas

The Navigator is for all new-innovations and onboard experiences. Enjoy enhanced state rooms with virtual balconies in the inside cabin; a full-service bar; ice-skating; mini-golf; a wide variety of dining choices from the spectacular three-story dining room to the Cupcake Cupboard; parades; shopping; pool and water fun; movies on the 220 square-foot outdoor screen. There are also plenty of quieter areas around the ship to read, relax, and spend time with friends.

George Town, Grand Cayman

Compact and colorful, George Town is a glitzy hub for duty-free shopping on Grand Cayman and signature Caribbean experiences. Think boating, snorkeling, relaxing on a beautiful beach, or meeting friendly stingrays at a shallow sandbar.

Fairmouth, Jamaica

The Georgian-era city of Falmouth offer history and outdoor fun. Visit the Good Hope Great House, climb Dunn’s River Falls, ride a bamboo raft downstream, fly through the rainforest via zip-line or just relax on a beautiful beach.

Labadee, Haiti

Our private beach resort features pristine beaches, coral reefs and lagoon-like bays surrounded by forested mountains. Relax and recharge or take advantage of water sports and activities, including our famous zip-line.

Dee Brestin

Dee is a speaker and author with the desire to share the power of God’s Word. She is the author of many Bible study guides like the classic, The Friendships of Women, the series Falling in Love with Jesus with Kathy Troccoli, and most recently Idle Lies. When Dee speaks, she often uses pictures, drama, and music to help women see the truth as well as hear it. Her ministry has expanded in recent years to include prison ministry and an online Bible study blog. She is also part of a core group planting a new church in her community. She is a frequent guest on both Focus on the Family’s and Midday Connection’s radio broadcasts.

Amy Lively

Amy Lively is a writer and speaker who provides tips, tools, and teaching about loving or neighbors without being offensive or pushy. She is the author of how to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird (Bethany House, 2015).  Amy draws from her own experience of knocking on her neighbors’ doors and leading a women’s neighborhood Bible study, which became an international ministry called The Neighborhood Café. She is passionate about helping people identify their unique ministry gifts and use them in their community. She has a degree ainnd practical ministry and is a contributing writer for and Not Quite Amish Living.

Damaris Carbaugh

Damaris communicates her seal for the Word of God through the special gift of song and her powerful speaking ministry. Her successful English and Spanish music career includes jingles for some of the largest advertised brands in the world, being a featured soloist with the Brooklyn Tabernacle choir in concerts in recordings, and 15 recordings of her own with her latest CD titled Walk With Me. You will be moved and inspired as Damaris reveals a true servant’s heart through her beautiful voice and infectious love for teaching God’s Word which reflects her personal spiritual journey.

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